Virtual Art Show!
No pandemic can stop us from spreading our love for art with the world. Welcome to the Creative Genius Academy Virtual Art Show where we’ve curated art work from local student artists expressing their thoughts on social-economical issues around the world. Click into each artist’s block to discover their artwork. Enjoy!
creative genius academy virtual art show!

Connor Donald Dietrich Rothe
Student Artist
The first work speaks to the division in our society where many people refuse to believe the reality of this pandemic we’re in, they continue to disobey requirements of wearing masks and social distancing. This drawing is meant to illustrate my perception of these people as ignorant, and ultimately, disgusting in their lack of civil responsibility.
The second work describes the disconnect we have all been experiencing due to the barriers of the virus. Despite the two figures being connected in the composition, they seem distant, not acknowledging each other. This is representational of our day-to-day throughout the pandemic, although we continue to encounter people, we are hesitant to interact with them, often looking through or past them.
The last piece shows the depersonalization that results from overhwelmingness of current times. COVID-19 has brought new challenges and complications, it’s hard to keep your mind from racing about the uncertainties of the future. The overlapping figures create a complex dynamic where you aren’t sure exactly what you’re looking at.
In each of my submissions, there’s a certain amount of stress and discomfort. Amidst the discomfort and intensity of the works, there is a balance brought by the subtleties. It’s only upon further inspection that the viewer is able to find serenity within the works. I think this is representational of the last year. At first, the pandemic was terrifying and people didn’t know how to react. Only after people had time to adjust did they find some calm within the storm. The loss and challenges of the pandemic are almost unthinkable, but we each must navigate our path through it.

Joshua Zhang
Student Artist

Klara Han
Student Artist

Stephen Zhuang
Student Artist
This monument conveys social information and develops active socio-political potency. I am attempting to reflect the great wealth inequality taking place in Shenzhen to the local people through my informative public monument.
My monument functions as an agent of change, through the division of space, flow of people, and visual effect thoughtfully designed---which the public will to experience as they walk inside the monument.
To embody the Gini Coefficient, I use the floor to represent the population and the room to represent wealth. My bowl-like wall divides the whole space into 2 sections---an inner circle(upper class) with a small floor(small population) yet huge room(wealth), as well as an outer circle(lower class) with a huge floor(huge population) yet small room(wealth).
People entering the monument will circulate along the outer circle(lower class), but only a few will successfully get into the inner circle(upper class) while most will fail and exit. This epitomizes how only a few people can enter the upper class, gaining a foot-hold in Shenzhen while others “escape” from financial stress.
The curved wall creates a suffocating sense for people in the outer circle(lower class), symbolizing the enormous financial stress the lower class is facing.

Aleena Jia
Student Artist
This picture represents BLM(Black Lives Matter). The main girl in the middle is black, she is joining a protest in a sweater that says "black lives matter" all around. These protests have been going around for the past few months and have changed the world. The silhouette in the back is the other people protesting with the girl, some of them are holding signs. Then below, you can see two hands. One of them is coloured white, and one of them is coloured black. These two hands are holding hands. This represents that anyone with different coloured skin can be friends, or family. Then shall not be judged. This is the story behind my picture.

Andy Huang
Student Artist

Stephanie Cui
Student Artist
Frontline worker, mask, social distance, quarantine, pandemic, corona virus, lockdown... all these words used to be so strange and far away from me, but after 2020, I can define each of them in an accurate terms, and something even more funny, these words became my most frequent used daily language.
I used to love FaceTime my family and friends, but after endless zoom class and google meet, I miss face to face interaction with my friends, teachers, coaches, and family. I took a picture of my mom and my little brother wearing masks kissing, I name this picture “ HOPE & LOVE”, and hope the feeling of mum’s hug and kiss can warm up everyone feeling lonely and left off.

Moxiao Guo
Student Artist
When human society disappears, and foreign beings discover our abandoned, flora-covered Earth, they will remember us as information addicts through our phones, drives, computers, and other technological remains, the time capsules of our generation.
As a design challenge, I made some concept drawings for a hypothetical product that improves the overall usability of masks. The main component I tried to improve on was the comfort. I did this by creating a better system of wearability. The size and tightness of the mask can be customized, leading to more convenience and less obstruction.

Ayman Karim
Student Artist
This piece of art work relates to life, equality and fairness. For the world to be a better place it is important that all people are treated fairly and equally irrespective of their background be it color, race, religion, creed or economic status. When people are treated fairly and equally, everyone will care for each other, solves any issues together, feels safe and people will live with love, care, unity and fun.
In this piece of art, the background is black and white which is blended together. Life is simple just like the 2 colors, we must open our minds, arms and heart to new things and to new people. Life is about the people we meet, and the memories we create with them. So, go out and start creating.
The cherry blossom tree is a symbol of peace. The red and pink flowers symbolize happiness. When people from different walks of life come together and accept each other and the differences, we strengthen our bonds and ties which brings peaceful relationships and happiness in each other’s lives. This creates gratitude and an outlook of hope and optimism towards the future.
The hands of different people uniting in love exhibits the spirit of togetherness. It doesn’t matter what we are or where we have come from, we are all one and we will look out for each other in any situation. What better example than the COVID 19 situation we are facing. People are reaching out to one another, helping in any capacity possible and gratitude to the frontline workers who are working tirelessly to save lives irrespective of who we are and where we come from. This is what makes Canada unique, we are united in our differences.
In entirety, the art is inspired by the values that we practice in Canada. Canada, a place that brings people together, each bringing their own strength to make Canada a better place. A better Canada today, tomorrow and forever!

Aaron Sit
Student Artist
My artwork is about Equality. The fist represents strength in society. The tree around the fist shows a connected community. There are names of important figures in abolishing racism and fighting for their rights. The piece is all black to show contrast between the black and white and how the society was very one sided.

William Liu
Student Artist
“Education in the arts is essential to students’ intellectual, social, physical,
and emotional growth and well-being. “
Ontario Art Curriculum