
New Media

“Teaching art to children the fun and
modern way”

New Media 

This course aims to teach students about using photoshop and illustrator. Students will learn modern technology to improve on their art skills.

The lessons are full of fun, and there is something new each class.


Your child will develop:

• Creative Exploration using technology
• Acquire knowledge in colour theory studies
• Enhance student’s observational skills
• Learn and understand the basics of perspective drawings

• Understanding of the tools used in the softwares

• Photo editing skills


Art can help build students self-esteem and confidence and at the same time, allowing them to find their individual voice. Art and creative, expressive freedom is something that each and every person is capable of. To not at least create some art is to not fully embrace your internal capabilities.


Pricing Packages

4 Pass2 hours$160+ hst
13 Passes2 hours$480+ hst
24 Passes2 hours$840+ hst

Contact Us for Available Times : contact@creativegeniusacademy.ca

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