
Design Classes

“Design can change the world."

Design starts with looking and listening, critically analyzing and understanding the practical and cultural needs of the world around us. This establishes design problems. The designer dreams rationally and works collaboratively to solve these real-life problems using creative built solutions. This process is often iterative and unpredictable, but it is rewarding. The right solutions can (re)define standards of fashion and function for a very long time, and it can even change the world! For example, Edison’s incandescent light bulb, Ford’s Model-T, Apple’s iPhone, and many more.

12+ Digital Art


Students will embark on the process of design, in which the objective is to develop transferable skills, or to contribute to their portfolio. Classes will explore various ways of communicating design ideas:

  • Sketching
  • Traditional and digital 2D drawings (plans, sections, axonometric, perspectives)
  • Physical and computer 3D modelling (Physical Prototyping, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop, etc.)
  • Verbal presentations (elevator pitch, interviews)
  • Advanced learning: work planning and other advanced industry software (rhino, grasshopper, various rendering engines)

Design Classes

Pricing Packages

Age 12+

1 Pass – $62+ HST

4 Passes – $202 + HST (save $40)

13 Passes – $591 + HST (save $191)

Time: 10:30-12:30pm (9 Ivanhoe Drive)

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